0409 396 839


Logisafe Registration Form

This is required for any training or assessments with Logisafe.

If you prefer, please phone the office during BH: 0409 396 839 & we can help you over the phone.

Fields marked with an are mandatory.

I agree that I have read & understand Logisafe's Client Info and Privacy Policy

Applicants Details

USI - Unique Student Identifier
IMPORTANT - If you do not get this right, there may be a delay issuing your qualification.

This is a compulsory Australian Government scheme that records all nationally recognised training in Australia since 1st January 2015. You must have a USI before a qualification or statement of attainment can be issued.

You only get one USI and it lasts for life.

Click here to visit the Australian Government website (www.usi.gov.au/student) & find out more or to do what you have to do!

Please either:

a) Create your own USI via the USI website


If you can not remember your USI please click here to look it up

Residential Address

Contact Details

Phone numbers (please provide at least one)

Emergency Contact
Proof of Id

You will need to present original documents to verify your ID when enrolling in a course, undertaking an assessment or applying for a High Risk Work Licence.

More information about acceptable forms of proof of ID are available here.

Language, Literacy & Numeracy Skills

How would you rate yourself in the following categories?

Please tick the "Help" box if you are unsure.

Do you consider yourself to have a disability, impairment, or long term condition?
Please check the linked: Definition of a disability to confirm whether anything on the list applies to you.

Medications if Required
Instructions if required

What is your highest "COMPLETED" school level?

Previous Qualifications Achieved

If YES, then tick ANY applicable boxes.

Employment Details

Supervisor Details

(If it is not the contact person described above)


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